Since 1979, Children in Placement's mission has been to advocate for the best interests of Connecticut’s abused and neglected children throughout the child welfare and judicial systems. Children in Placement secures safe homes, supportive services, and a stable transition into adulthood by objectively assessing and supporting each child’s situation. 

We strive to serve as many children and families as possible so that, 

  • Every child in both the Probate and Superior Courts in need of a Guardian ad Litem volunteer will have one!
  • Children will have their best interest represented by the appointed GAL with consideration given to physical, mental, emotional, and educational needs.
  • Children spend the least possible time under court jurisdiction.
  • Children will reside in a stable and safe placement during their case and at the conclusion of the case live in a permanent and safe family home.
  • Young adults aging out of the system have a Youth Sponsor, a steady source of support to help them acquire skills/resources to navigate through the court/ child welfare systems.
  • Parents struggling to navigate the court/child welfare systems have the resources they need to address barriers to reunification.


Children in Placement strives to be Connecticut’s recognized leader and, in this role, bring awareness, partnerships, resources and systemic policy changes supporting children and youth in accessing the supports they need to develop and eventually become successful adults.
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